Become a Guest Writer For VOT

Get Noticed By Becoming a Guest Writer on

Are you a VA freelancer or job seeker? Do you own your own Virtual Assistant business? Are you a blogger, writer or website publisher looking for more traffic? If so, we have a great way for you to land more jobs, find new clients and get more traffic to your website.

We are now looking for contributors both regular and one-off to write for the / blog.

The VOT website receives more traffic than any other virtual assistant service on the Web and has been online for well over ten years. In fact, is in the TOP 20% of websites on the Internet based on traffic and page “hits”. We enjoy more than 50,000 hits per day and have nearly 200,000 registered users.

Top 5 Reasons to Become a Guest Writer for VOT

Becoming a guest writer for is a great opportunity. Why? Because is one of the largest, fastest-growing online forums for virtual assistants and employers worldwide. We are a “must-visit” resource for every startup CEO, founder, aspiring VA, freelancer, and investor. Most importantly, we reach thousands of people every day, an accomplishment few others can match.

You’ll align yourself with some of the best business bloggers on the web.

You’ll earn credibility, authority, and status by partnering with one of the largest virtual business networking forums on the Internet.

Your content will be read, utilized, and shared by a business-oriented, success-focused audience.

Traffic, traffic, traffic! Search engines gobble up new content, which will increase your exposure and drive traffic back to your site exponentially.

What We Are Looking For

Contributions should:

Have Expertise – It really helps if you know what you’re talking about!

Use Web Writing – Writing on the web works best when it’s not too verbose, and makes use of lists and headings to break up the text.

Be Informative – Virtual Office Temps and serves both virtual assistant job seekers as well as businesses in need of outsourced staff for short or long term projects. Therefore, we value posts that provide the reader with information arelated to the virtual assistant industry, virtual office, outsourcing, freelancing, virtual jobs, etc.

Come From Registered Users – We support our community of virtual assistants and employers. Therefore, contributors must be a VOT Registered job seeker or employer. (Registration is free)

Article Ideas

We are looking for unique articles about freelancing, running a business, career specific topics in your field, working from home, tips for finding jobs, and many other topics related to virtual assisting.

Virtual Assistant Career Field Topics (for example, Medical Transcription, Paralegal, Real Estate Virtual Assistants, Virtual Customer Service etc)
Project Management for business
The Benefits of Hiring A Virtual Assistant
Getting Started as a Virtual Assistant
Gaining Exposure, Networking and Marketing
Social Networking for Virtual Assistants and Business Owners
Resume Writing, Job Search Strategies, and Interviewing for Virtual Assistants
Ideas to Make Extra Money
Virtual Assistant Tips for Handling Home and Family Issues
Virtual Assistant “A Day In The Life”
Understanding Contracts
Freelance Law
Company Reviews, Tips and Insight (Have you worked for someone as a virtual assistant? Detail your experience)

Read Our Blog For More Ideas

Any other topics related to the Virtual Assisting Field.

To keep readers engaged and interested, blog articles should fall somewhere between 500 and 900 words. Consider breaking up longer posts into multiple parts, and present them as a series.

Catchy Headlines

A catchy headline can grab the reader’s attention faster than anything, and could mean the difference between getting your article published or not. Get creative! Just keep it appropriate and relevant to your subject matter.

Here are a few examples of some great headlines:

– Hiring A Virtual Assistant: Does it Really Improve Your Bottom Line?
– Boost Your Business in Hard Times
– Kick Start Your New Year
– Virtual Assisting, the New Drug!
– Tough Truths about Being a Virtual Assistant
– How To Make $100,000 As A Virtual Assistant

Attention Getters

An intriguing first paragraph can keep a reader reading, while a slow start might mean they never finish. Use your first paragraph to woo the reader. Use bold subheadings to break up your paragraphs and keep your article easy to read.

Including multiple relevant links in your content improves search engine indexing factors, and increases the likelihood of the piece being picked up by search engines. Go on, get link happy! Just be sure you are not linking to your own website, unless it is 100% relevant and necessary to demonstrate your point.

Additional Resources

Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income

Writing Your Way to Wealth on the Web

Blogging For Dummies


Your article must be finished when submitting. It is entirely up to our editor to select articles for publication.

The article you submit is your original work and not published elsewhere. (Please credit all sources, assets and use common sense.) We will not publish articles that appear on other websites. Must be unique and original!

Once content has been published with VOT, it must remain exclusive to / – If you submit the article to another website for publication it will be removed from ours.

Due to the sheer number of submissions we receive, we cannot guarantee that your submission will be published.

To maintain value standards for our readers, we do not allow self-promotional content. You can plug your business in your bio, but not in your article.

Your article may be edited prior to publishing.

If Your Article Is Accepted

You grant a license to VOT to be the exclusive publisher of the article online. You may publish a link to your VOT article – for example on your own site or in forums – however the article in its entirety should not appear elsewhere.

Along with your article, we will publish a brief bio about you and one link to your website, resume, portfolio, blog or business (if you have one). We will *not* publish your affiliate links, links to MLMs or work-at-home ads.


While we do not offer payment at this time for contributions, you will receive free advertising for your business or virtual assisting services, better exposure on our network and online, links and traffic to your website or blog, and the opportunity to use VOT as a professional reference. After you have three published articles on VOT you will qualify for the opportunity to become a paid writer or blogger with VOT !

To Apply: Email  include a link to your VOT portfolio or blog or website with writing samples